I'll go with thee to the lane's end... I am a kind of burr, I shall stick. Shakespeare, Measure for Measure

I write not to teach but to learn. Rebecca West

drew's writing:

  • "Always Forever Now," Ideomancer volume 13, issue 2
  • "Black Sun," Black Static # 32
  • "Bread or Cake" and "Pride/Shame,"2nd Annual Philadelphia One-Minute Play Festival
  • "Copper Heart," Polluto Magazine issue 5, A Steampunk Orange
  • "The Accomplished Birder's Guide to Overcoming Rejection," Last Drink Bird Head, edited by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer
  • "Another Night With the Henriksens," Player's Theater Halloween One-Act Festival NYC 2008
  • "Hating the Lovers," and "Pipe Down!" Geez Magazine: Thirty Sermons You Would Never Hear in Church
  • "Beth/slash/Nathan," Paper Fruit Blogiversary Contest

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

be your own gay


If you regard one group as more sexually potent and more musical than you, and another as smarter and destined for greater success than you, and another as more innately fabulous than you, you have eviscerated yourself, and decked others with your amputated organs.

Stereotyping limits the stereotypist, much as idolatry limits the idolater.

Remember our Lord. Didn't Jesus warn against looking to others to be our guides, priests, and experts? Call no man father, he said, and The kingdom of heaven lies within you (a statement I still find one of the more radical and intriguing he made).

Some of you have told me that when you need to make something pretty, or fun, or lively, you pay my people homage by saying you need to "gay it up." I appreciate this, but you shouldn't undercut your own potential by paying unmerited homage to me. I couldn't gay up my own house--my partner's mom is gaying it for us.

(She's an interior designer).

Stereotyping the gays as authorities on making things pretty and throwing parties and being fabulous robs you, straight person, of the ability to make things pretty and throw parties and be fabulous. You have the power to make your life a rainbow carnation Pride float with disco-syncing drag queens and vogueing speedo boys.

That's why I want you to print these words and carry them in your wallet between your Hooters MasterCard and Dane Cook concert ticket stub. Straight person, this post is your fabulousity permission slip.

Be your own gay. The ruby slippers are on your feet. The kingdom of fabulousity lies within you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this. These are good thoughts, and surprising because we often think of stereotyping to be a detriment to the object stereotyped, not to the person who stereotypes.

I love the last three lines. So much good stuff is published online in our blogs; I wonder if it stops us from publishing it in a magazine. More people need to read this, Drew. Consider rewriting for publication. :) It's got legs!